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A Proud Poppa Remembers

05-29-09 099Treyrefl.jpg

I remember, when Trey was born, my father telling me to make every moment count because time would fly by. And before I knew it we would be sending him off. I said, “Okay, dad” and dimissed it as sentimentalism. He was a very sentimental man, my dad. Once again, though, I find that he was right. (And as I get older I find that he was right about a great many things.)

As I sat there on Thursday night and the band started playing “Pomp and Circumstance”, I reflected on the past 18 years of Trey’s young life. I remembered the struggles that he went through and the victories that we witnessed. I remembered counseling him through the whole bullying ordeal and trying to help him learn to manage his anger about it. I remembered the incredible time we had on his purity weekend. I am amazed and thankful for the bond that we developed that weekend and transparency that it provided for intimate conversations that would occur later. I remembered the times we spent at Red River at church camp. Spending time with him was/is one of the joys of my life. I remembered the political conversations that we have had and his passion for conservatism that the government is apparently unwilling to demonstrate. I watched him struggle to try to find where he fits in this world – never a part of the “in group” but always wanting to be. I watched him celebrate as he was chosen as one of the four student techs for the Forney ISD during his senior year. He took pride in his work and was genuinely saddened when that job came to an end.

Now he approached wearing the cap and gown and the cords. I felt so much pride and a little sadness too. The truth is, I think I am still feeling a little sad. My dad was right. It went by so fast. Granted, he is going to be at home for just a little longer as he starts college. But it seems that everything has changed now. In some ways that is for the better. In him, I have a great friend and companion. We have so many laughs together. I see myself in him – sometimes that is not necessarily a good thing. But despite my foibles, he has turned out splendidly. But don’t take my word for it. I can’t count the number of people that have complimented his work ethic, compassion, and tender-hearted attitude. Rhonda and I have been truly blessed.

They say that in the last throes of life your life will pass before your eyes. I guess that, in a way, is what happened to me on Thursday night. Trey’s childhood ceremoniously ended and his life passed before my eyes. What a great trip it has been! And I guess the circle of life will continue. Funny me commenting on my dad being sentimental. That’s like the pot calling the kettle… well you know.

Categories: Family
  1. Angela stevens
    May 30, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    This brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations to you all

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